Monday, June 23, 2008

Jillian Michaels BIG LOSER

Syndicated columnist Cindy Droog writes:
Please, someone, get Jillian Michaels off my computer screen. It doesn't
matter if I'm looking up the cure for diaper rash, the color of lava, perusing for the election coverage I missed during last night's crying fit or getting my daily 7:30 a.m. dose of laughter from so I can smile no matter what my workday throws at me.

Wherever I am online, there she is.

Her six-pack abs, perfect in low-slung military print khakis. You know,for those times when she's hiding in the forest and needs to kick-box anoncoming bear. A tiny black sports bra that wouldn't have fit me when I was 14, much less after nursing two kids.

I wonder. Did her media buying team sit in a conference room, behind closed doors, and ask themselves: "Where do working moms, who write weekly columns, and are obsessed with news and comedy, go online? And how best can we torture them?" They did a great job. For Mother's Day, I just need someone to undo it.

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